Hi everybody, this is John from the USA. Mundo, welcome back and thanks for watching. If it's your first time on my channel, welcome. Today, I have another video for you guys. Today's video is going to be about how to retrieve your I-94 information online. If it's something you want to know, then don't go anywhere, I'll be right back. You may have noticed that if you visited the US recently, you are not required to fill up or complete all the customs and Border Protection forms. Specifically, the I-94 form, if you traveled to the US by sea or by air. So, if you need all that information and you're unable to retrieve it, how can you get that information? This is what I'm going to show you today. As I mentioned in the introduction, to retrieve your I-94 information, you have to visit this website: eric for that CBP DHS go slash I-94 slash home. We will leave the link in the description below the video, so you can copy and paste it into your browser. Once you come to this website, you will need to go over here and click on "Need a history of your arrivals and departures before and from the US". Please note that you can only retrieve information for the past five years. If it's more than five years, you will need to contact the CBP directly. After clicking on "View travel history", read through the security notification and then click on the provided. This will take you to the next page. On this page, you will need to enter your personal information to retrieve your I-94 information. Fill in your first name, last name, date of birth (day, month, and year), passport number, and passport country of issuance. Once you provide this...
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When to file CBP 7551 Form: What You Should Know
You should continue to file Form 7551 with the United States Customs and Border Authority (US CBA) for your pending drawback claims. ABI/DADO/DADS Drawback Claim/Reissue | U.S. Customs and Border Protection Oct 6, 2025 | CBP Drawback entry form 7551 The estimated average time to complete this application is 35 minutes. If you have any comments regarding the burden estimate you can write to U.S. Customs and. Drawback Entry Form CBP-7551 (Instructions) (CBP-4811 must be on file with CBP). Drawback Ruling Number (Required for manufacturing claims) — Indicate the general or specific drawback ruling number DRAWBACK ENTRY Bureau of Customs and Border Protection Method of Filing CBP Form 7552 (08/01) herein in accordance with the drawback ruling on file with CBP and in compliance with applicable laws and. Federal Register/Vol. 85, No. 211/Friday, October 30, 2020, Oct 30, 2025 — Please note that CBP Forms 7552 and. 7553 are both abolished. From February. 24, 2019, onward, TFTEA-Drawback, as provided for in part 190, of the CFR, for manufacturing drawback claims, will apply. You should continue to file Form 7552 with the United States Customs and. ABI/DADO/DADS Drawback Claim/Reissue | U.S. Customs and. Border. Oct 6, 2025 | CBP Drawback entry form 7552 The estimated average time to complete this application is 35 minutes. If you have any comments regarding the burden estimate you can write to U.S. Customs and. Drawback Entry Form CBP-7551 /7554 / 7556| (U.S. Customs and Border Protection Drawback Ruling/Drawback/Reissue (Oct 6, 2028) The estimated average time to complete this application is 35 minutes. If you have any comments regarding the burden estimate you can write to U.S.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing When to file Cbp Form 7551